by Lucent Health
by Lucent Health

At Cypress, we feel like we know a thing or two about this topic, as the Wellness Council of America (WELCOA) named us a Gold Well Workplace Award recipient in 2013, and recently designated us among the WELCOA Top 10 Most Active Companies in Wisconsin after a third-place finish in the 2015 Top 100 Active Companies Challenge. We’ve not only advocated workplace wellness for years, but we’ve also walked the walk and learned there are a lot of positives tied to having a coordinated program in place.
First, workplace wellness programs encourage employees to be active participants in their own health. With things like personal coaching and disease management offered directly at the jobsite, employees feel more educated – and often more invested – in their long-term quest to live well. Incorporate incentives for signing up or achieving set goals and your team will be even more excited to participate and adopt those healthy habits. Another plus? The convenience factor. Who wouldn’t prefer having a health assessment and results follow-up done right on-site instead of adding extra appointments to our already busy lives?
It just makes sense. If regular health screenings and consultations weren’t made to feel like such a hassle, most of us would be much more likely to keep up with them.
On top of all the benefits to employee health, wellness programs can also have a real impact on a business’s bottom line. In fact, we implemented our own program at Cypress four years ago and have realized a 15% reduction in health plan costs since!
Lucent Health combines best-in-the-industry claims management with a compassionate, human-focused, data-driven care management solution. Find out more about Lucent Health and our approach to care management. Contact us today.
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