Large Case Management
Large Case Management
Maximize Recovery, Minimize Complications
Our commitment to managing healthcare quality and cost means offering superior medical claims management programs and services, including Large Case Management (LCM) services, powered by Narus Health.
LCM works to assess member needs and develop care plans for catastrophic illness and injury cases. Narus Health case managers work directly with providers to assure clinical practice standards, improve quality of care, optimize benefit allocation, and minimize future claims.
Members with catastrophic illness and injury cases receive the quality care and quality of life they need. LCM also ensures the appropriate use of healthcare resources devoted to that care.
LCM services include cancer, cardiac, pulmonary, neurological, maternity, transplant and behavioral health.

Maximize Recovery, Minimize Complications
Our commitment to managing healthcare quality and cost means offering superior medical claims management programs and services, including Large Case Management (LCM) services, powered by Narus Health.
LCM will ensure quality of care, maximize recovery, minimize complications, permit decision-making by the payer and the plan participant, optimize benefit allocation, minimize future claims, and decrease disability time.
Members with catastrophic illness and injury cases receive the quality care and quality of life they need. LCM also ensures the appropriate use of healthcare resources devoted to that care.
LCM services include cancer, cardiac, pulmonary, neurological, maternity, transplant and behavioral health.

Traditional Large Case Management Features
Improves member compliance and education
Works closely with stop-loss providers
Ensures good clinical practice standards
Traditional Large Case Management Features
Works closely with stop-loss providers
Improves member compliance and education
Ensures good clinical practice standards